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Obstetrical Ultrasound


Our staff looks forward to assisting you throughout your pregnancy! 

First Trimester

6 - 12 weeks

   *Full bladder required*

8-10 weeks gestation is recommended for your first obstetrical ultrasound unless otherwise instructed by your physician.


A full bladder is required for proper visualization. *Please drink 3-4 glasses of water 1 hour before your exam.*


A transvaginal ultrasound is often required to properly document the early stages of pregnancy (especially if you are less than 8 weeks gestation). Follow this link for additional information regarding transvaginal ultrasounds.

 This ultrasound may be used to asses:

- Fetal viability

- Gestational age / Due date 

Second Trimester

13 - 27 weeks

*Full bladder required*

For your second trimester anatomical ultrasound, 20-22 weeks gestation is recommended.

A full bladder is required for proper visualization. *Please drink 3-4 glasses of water 1 hour prior to your exam.* 


Once the initial images have been obtained you may typically empty your bladder and resume the test. 

This ultrasound may be used to: 

- Asses fetal anatomy

- Monitor fetal growth

- Confirm fetal well-being

- Detect abnormalities

- Asses maternal pelvis

Third Trimester

28+ weeks 

Full bladder is recommended.

Your doctor may choose to send you for a follow up ultrasound prior to delivery. 


A full bladder is recommended if possible. *Please drink 2-3 glasses of water 30-45 minutes prior to your exam.*


Once the initial images have been obtained you may empty your bladder and resume the test. 


This ultrasound may be used to asses:

- Biophysical profile (health and well being of the fetus) 

- Fetal position 

- Biometry (monitoring the fetal growth) 

- Maternal placenta

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